Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Finding Family Friendly Poker Online to Play

Poker isn’t necessarily a one-dimensional sport where
people simply bet on cards and see if they luck out in
the end. It’s much more nuanced than that. It is a
game of human psychology and of skill which is
difficult to master, taking some people many years to

Life Skills

These “people-reading” skills also help in people and
life lessons too, given that it teaches one how to
make most of an opportunity. “Don’t rush your way in
playing your pocket aces, relish the moment and make
the most money by slow-playing it”- this is a lesson
most useful in say, courting a girl. Funny as it
sounds, when she does give you an opportunity, don’t
jump in like some excited kid. Lure her to you slowly
like how an expert poker player lures his/her opponent
into calling his aces. As the old adage goes, “take it

Also, it helps one think of things in many levels, not
simply black and white. Poker isn’t a game of betting
and folding, it includes many variables, like the
opponent’s betting patterns and the way he/she is
playing so far. Top poker players think this way, and
playing poker helps one think about problems and
finally decide when he/she is done in thinking
everything through.

Lastly, a lesson that can be gleaned and implicitly
imbued in poker is that one should take calculated
risks. Risk-taking is an important and inevitable
aspect in ones life, and meaning of risk in poker is
oftentimes exaggerated by critics. The thing is, it
helps you realize which ones are worth fighting for
and which ones are not. In business, it helps you
focus on one investment, given a general rule in
poker: be tight yet aggressive, doing risks that
maximize the profitability of your hand. So to speak,
look at what you invested in and make the most out of
it; don’t diversify and raise the probability that
they won’t work for you.


Given all the arguments above then it’s good to say
that poker teaches the old and young alike not only to
money effectively by subconscious lessons, it branches
out, teaching us about life in general.

It is by far one of the most family-friendly poker
sites in the web. No money is gambled and only play
money is used. It also takes a youthful twist to poker
by having funny avatars like secret agents to Albert
Einstein. You may also throw pies at your opponents
when you fancy it. So to say, not only be it an avenue
for serious poker players to fine-tune his/her skills,
it is also an arena for escape and fun from the
sometimes-stressful tone life gives from time to time.

And it doesn’t end at that, if you apply for power
player membership, your options for avatars are
extended. The best part isn’t that. You are even
eligible to win prizes from free movie tickets for
US-based members to Dell Laptops and cash which may be
as high as $499, if you have to skills to get it. And
power player membership only costs around $20 a month,
which is an absolute steal because of the fun you may
enjoy in the tables, not to mention the prizes at

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